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How to fix WordPress blank page (white screen)

The feeling of seeing a WordPress blank page which is also known as the ‘White Screen of Death’ (WSOD) is well understood to be annoying and annoying however, this does not mean that all hope in dealing with the issue is lost as there are a number of steps that one can take in order to diagnose and even rectify the situation:
  1. Check for Plugin or Theme Conflicts:

    • Shut off all the plugins and choose a default theme of WordPress such as the Twenty Twenty-One.
    • In the event that the site seems to be working well after this, then begin to reactivate each of the plugins and the theme until the one that causes the white screen is identified.
  2. Increase PHP Memory Limit:

    • Th e white screen problem is also caused by small PHP memory in some instances. The PHP memory limit can be raised by inserting the following statement in the wp-config.php file: sqlCopy code define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); Change '256M' to the memory limit that you want.
  3. Enable Debugging:

    • Debugging WordPress can assist in discovering the cause of the problem. Locate your wp-config.php file and make WP_DEBUG true
      define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    • This will enable screenshots to be taken and error messages displayed which could assist in understanding what the problem is.
  4. Check for Syntax Errors in Files:

    • In W ordpress internal files like core files, theme files or custom plugin files, their syntax error may be the cause of whitescreen. Look out for recent edits made on these files and fix the underlying syntax errors.
  5. Check File Permissions:

    • Most importantly correct file permissions must be in place. Files permission are however encouraged to be 644, and directory permission at 755. Wrong permissions can lead to a white screen.
  6. Verify File Integrity:

    • Chances are weaponized primary files are available and reachable, but have been corrupted and made unusable. Reinstallation of WordPress should restore every single piece, thereby verifying the soundness of all components.
  7. Check Server Error Logs:

    • Server error logs may also shed some light on what is behind the white screen. Go through the server error log for anything that may appear relevant.
  8. Contact Hosting Provider:

    • Should you exhaust all of the above measures and the problem is not resolved, it is likely due some restriction in your server setup or the server itself. Make sure to reach out to them.
By taking these measures, you can be sure to understand how to fix the WordPress site white screen problem. In the event that these changes are not preferable to you, perhaps you can hire a developer or support for WordPress.

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