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how to install cPanel on VPS server?

We warmly welcome you to our detailed cPanel VPS installation guide! No matter whether you are setting up a fresh server or want to change your hosting service, the installation of cPanel will help you considerably in managing web operations. This instruction is aimed at both novice as well as medium skilled users. We'll break everything down into a series of simple steps for installations without hassles. Ready to cPanel, your server, rise up and shine!


Overview of cPanel and VPS Servers


cPanel is one of the common web hosting control panels, which makes it easier to manage hosting accounts and websites with the help of visual components. It enables easy management of file storage, emails, domains, and databases among other things. Updating IT, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a type of hosting, where one gets resources dedicated to them on a server, which has multiple users. It is more stable and safer than shared hosting, since one does not have to share resources like RAM, or CPU with anyone else. cPanel on its own is a competent web management interface but when combined with a VPS server, the level of the websites and hosting environment management is taken a notch higher.


Pre-Installation Preparation


It is important to get your server ready and condition it appropriately before going ahead to install cPanel on VPS. This means ensuring that there are system requirements in place and also practicing data security such as making backups.


Checking VPS Server Requirements


Before proceeding with cPanel installation, there are set requirements that your VPS has to meet. The following are the main requirements that you should verify:

-CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), or CloudLinux OS. These are the only Linux distributions that are currently supported by cPanel.

-At least 20 GB of available disk space, although 40 GB or more is recommended for running different applications and storing mails and databases.

-1 GB RAM minimum, although 2 GB RAM and above is recommended for efficient operation.

-An active cPanel license that you may order directly from the cPanel website or a cPanel authorized reseller.


In addition to that, make sure your VPS comes with a standard hostname (FQDN or Fully Qualified Domain Name) that cannot be more than one word, does not have any spaces or underlines and is not meant for use by any other server. As well, it is important to ensure that your operating system is not outdated in order to avert any compatibility problems.


Creating a Backup of Your Server


Prior to embarking on the cPanel setup procedure, it is imperative that you carry out a backup of any pre-existing information on your VPS. This step is very relevant to the process of installation to avoid losing any important data. Here's how you can backup data:

-Employ command line tools like rsync or scp to move files to a different server or backup site.

- If there is a control panel or a backup solution that is automated with your VPS, then these tools should be used to make the work easier.

-Always remember to backup all the important data such as the websites, emails as well as the databases.


No matter how carefully you plan, unpalatable situations may arise at the technical stage; hence the need to have a detailed backup, which will also help you return your VPS to a previous date in case there is a need to do so. When you have assessed the system requirements and made the necessary data backup, you are set to undertake the steps in installing cPanel.



Downloading and Installing cPanel


Obtaining the cPanel Installation File


First things first. In order to play with cPanel on your VPS, the very first thing you need to do is visit the cPanel official site and download the installation file. You can download it after obtaining a license as it is a paid software. Now go to the cpanels official download section and download the latest version compatible with your os. Note that cPanel only works on Linux servers with the most common being CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise and CloudLinux. When the file is finally downloaded, you are ready to upload the file to your server.


Uploading cPanel to Your VPS Server


Assuming that you have access to your VPS servers shell, it is easy to upload a cPanel setup file you got from the internet. The first step is to connect to your server using SSH with any of the relevant tools; PuTTY for Windows or Terminal for Mac and Linux users. After successfully connecting to the server, one can execute the command 'wget' and append it with the cPanel installation file URL that the user has downloaded. This command serves to upload the installation script to the server. Sample command:




cd /home && curl -o latest -L https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/latest && sh latest



Just a reminder, cPanel installation may take some time, as the script will install all the required software packages automatically.


Configuring cPanel on Your VPS


Setting Up Initial Configuration


After the installation of cPanel in a supported system, you'll be able to Log in to the cPanel WH Manager. Otherwise, it can be accessed by typing in the address bar https://yourserverIP:2087. The first configuration screen gives answers to important configuration questions which include, but are not limited to, network configuration, allocation of IP addresses, setting of a hostname etc., unless told otherwise. If these details are not correct, expect runs into many problems and the server hardly runs smoothly.


Securing cPanel with SSL Certificate


It is critical to protect cPanel from any unauthorized access and installing the SSL certificate on cPanel is an effective way to protect the data exchanged between your server and the users. Thankfully, cPanel has introduced an AutoSSL feature which can install and renew Lets Encrypt SSL certificates of your domains without any additional charge. To do this, go to WHM’s ‘SSL/TLS’ and search for ‘Manage AutoSSL’ and switch it on for your domains. This will make sure that all the websites hosted on your server have basic encryption turned on.


Configuring DNS and Name Servers


The last part of preparing your cPanel for use is the DNS and name server configuration. This makes certain that the domain names are accurately directed to your server. In the case of WHM, go to DNS Functions then click Edit DNS Zone. This is where you will attach relevant IPs to their various DNS records for your corresponding domains. Furthermore, one can also create and set their names such as ns1.yourdomain.com or ns2.yourdomain.com in the Basic cPanel & WHM Setup. Input the IPs that you want to align with each of them and change these settings at your domain registrar’s console to make these alterations.


If you do all the steps carefully, the installation and configuration of cPanel should work and help create a strong platform for web-based content management and web hosting.


Post-Installation Steps


After you have installed cPanel on your VPS Hosting server, the next step is to set up and configure your server environment. These post-installation steps will encompass the security effectiveness and personalization of your server to your specifications.


Setting Up Email Accounts


One of the most basic skills one ought to learn when managing a domain’s correspondence is how to create email accounts. To create email accounts in cPanel, follow these steps:

1. Access your cPanel dashboard by entering your cPanel username and password.

2. After that, head to the ‘Email’ section on top and click on ‘Email Accounts’.

3. You will then have to provide the new address you wish to create, as well as a password.

4. Alternatively, you can impose a mailbox space limit, or leave it as it is with unlimited space.

5. Finally, remember to click on the ‘Create Account’ button to complete the process.


Such mailboxes are provided with full SMTP, IMAP and POP3 support which allows setting up these addresses on any email client without any problems.


Managing Databases


No matter if your sites are designed using WordPress, Joomla, or any other platform, databases feature prominently in them. Using cPanel to handle databases is easy:

1. Navigate to the cPanel dashboard, and search for the subsection labelled “Databases.”

2. To add more databases, click on the “MySQL Databases.”

3. Provide a name for the database and click on "Create Database."

4. The next step involves creating database users. This also can be carried out in the “MySQL Databases” section, by looking for a section labelled MySQL Users.

5. Finally when a user is uploaded also ensure that the user is uploaded into the database with the rights to manage the database.


This facilitates the use of the application and database functionality as it provides for the storage and retrieval of information in the databases efficiently.


Customizing cPanel Settings


In order to get the best out of cPanel, you might want to think about modifying its settings:

- Themes: It is possible to change the appearance of the c-panel user interface by choosing different skins.

- Languages: C-panel offers more than one language; you can go to the section ‘preferences’ and switch to the one you like most.

- Security: It is very important to set up for example ip block, ssh, and hotlink protection so that you do not compromise the server to other people or hackers.


Adjusting these settings can significantly enhance your experience on the management end as well as the performance of the system.


Troubleshooting Common Issues



Even with the most precise installation procedures, issues with cPanel cannot be avoided. Here are several recommendations for resolving fundamental problems:


Resolving Installation Errors


In case you encounter errors while installing:

- Verify server specifications: Make sure that your VPS is compatible and meets Cpanel’s minimum installation requirements which include certain OS versions and RAM limits.

- Review log files: Most errors would be found in /usr/local/cpanel/logs. These logs can give an indication of precisely what went wrong in the first place.

- Dependencies: Always ensure that all the required software has been installed. Incomplete installations are among the leading reasons why installation processes are not successful.


Usually resolving any of these problems will take care of the installation issue within a very short time.


Handling Performance Concerns


Consider the following if your cPanel is experiencing slowness or certain services are not behaving as expected:

- Upgrade hardware: Be sure that your VPS has enough resources (RAM, CPU) to run cPanel without problems, since it is likely that there are many sites using cPanel at the same time.

- Optimize configurations: Altering parameters like Apache and PHP settings can improve performance.

- Monitor resources: Make use of the “Resource Usage” section in cPanel to routinely check resource utilization and to prevent performance crashes.


  By tackling these issues one by one, the performance and stability of your cPanel server can be enhanced greatly.




To sum up, the process of installing cPanel on your VPS server is an effortless one as far as the steps provided are adhered to. After that, cPanel will provide you with a comprehensive and highly configurable user interface for controlling every aspect of your web hosting business, from creating emails and domains to adjusting the security settings. It is important to note that the degree of success will still depend on how well the server has been set up from the beginning and whether or not the system is fitted with the necessary components. It enables cPanel users to control and develop their websites with ease, thus, this application is highly essential for persons who want to cut down excessive workloads associated with hosting.


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