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How to transfer hosting account without cPanel?

Transferring a hosting account without cPanel can be a bit more complex than with cPanel due to the lack of a user-friendly interface for managing the transfer process. However, it's still feasible with some manual steps. Here's a general guide on how to do it:

  1. Backup your website files: Access your current hosting account via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or SSH (Secure Shell) and download all your website files to your local computer.

  2. Export your database: If your website relies on a database (e.g., MySQL), you'll need to export it. You can typically do this through phpMyAdmin or command-line tools like mysqldump. Export your database and save it to your local computer.

  3. Set up the new hosting account: Sign up for a new hosting account with the hosting provider of your choice. Once your account is set up, you'll typically receive FTP and/or SSH credentials.

  4. Upload your website files: Connect to your new hosting account via FTP or SSH and upload all your website files to the appropriate directory (often called "public_html" or "www").

  5. Import your database: If you exported your database in step 2, you'll need to import it into your new hosting account's database management system. This can typically be done through phpMyAdmin or command-line tools like MySQL.

  6. Update configuration files: If your website relies on any configuration files (e.g., for database connection settings), update them with the new database credentials provided by your new hosting provider.

  7. Update DNS records: If your domain name is registered with a different provider than your hosting, you'll need to update your domain's DNS records to point to the new hosting provider's nameservers. This step can take some time to propagate across the internet.

  8. Testing: Once the DNS changes have propagated, you can test your website on the new hosting account to ensure everything is working correctly.

  9. Cancel the old hosting account: Once you've confirmed that your website is fully functional on the new hosting account, you can cancel your old hosting account with your previous provider.

While this process may seem daunting, it's quite manageable with some patience and attention to detail. If you're uncomfortable with any of the technical steps involved, it may be worth seeking assistance from a web developer or IT professional.


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