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Resetting Dedicated server root password via Virtual Console

Nonetheless, changing the root password on a specialized server primarily includes accessing its console and going through the necessary process of modifying the password. Now, let’s examine in detail how to change the root password via the virtual console:
  1. Access the Virtual Console: First of all, you need to access the control panel or management portal of the hosting provider. Find the section with the virtual console of the dedicated server. Typically, it may be located within the control panel of the provider.

  2. Launch the Virtual Console: You are required to access the desktop virtualization console for the dedicated server. Usually, this will open a new window or tab showing console access to the server connected with a monitor and a keyboard.

  3. Access the Recovery or Single-User Mode: Next, you have to start the server from the virtual console and go to the option of boot menu or bios settings and start it again. After this, choose the optio of single use or recovery mode. This mode allows logging in as root user without the need of entering any root password.

  4. Mount the Filesystem: However, if you are in recovery or single user mode, it will be impossible to effect any changes without doing some filesystem mounts. Follow the steps provided on the screen or use the command mount –o remount, rw / in order to change the file system to be writable.

  5. Change the Root Password: The passwd command is used to change the root password within the operating system. To initiate the process, you simply type in passwd and click on the Enter button. Following this, there will be a prompt requesting you to enter a new root password and to confirm it by typing it again. Pay attention to the guidelines given while changing the password.

  6. Reboot the Server: Following the authentication changes, when the root password has been Upgraded, it usually indicates rebooting of the system to get out of recovery mode or single user mode. This is usually achieved by entering the console command prompt reboot or shutdown –r now.

  7. Test the New Password: As the server has successfully booted, one can then try to log in using the new root password to verify if the new modification is effective.

  8. Security Considerations: When a new root password is applied, the need to secure the server is paramount. Look at other security measures like SSH access, firewall configurations and user limitations to prevent any outbreaks.

Don’t forget to do what is required by your host since this may depend on the configuration of the server and the virtual console provide.


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