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Domain Name Registry

What is FreeDNS? - (113 times viewed / 0 people found it helpful)
How can I renew my domain? - (105 times viewed / 0 people found it helpful)

A domain name registry is an entity that has been made responsible for the administration and issuance of domain names that belong to a certain top-level domain. This means overseeing the registration of such names, keeping the records of the domain names in the right databases, making sure that the domain is maintained both technically and administratively, and providing registrars who offer the domain names to the end-users with other necessary resources.
For instance, Verisign manages the domains of .com and .net while Public Interest Registry runs the .org domain. In addition encumbrances establish rules and determine the rates charged for the use of their TLDs, and they promote steady operational flow of the domain name service (DNS).
